Friday, December 27, 2019

Fracking Is It Really Damaging the Earth Essay - 818 Words

Energy is our main source for everything we do, the primary question is where do we get our energy? Fracking is a method in which entities use in order to obtain natural gas, which furthermore can create heat for our homes and gas for our cars. This is a huge controversial topic that people seem to be very ambiguous about. The questions that arise with fracking are whether or not it’s better than green energy and is it harmful to the Earth. This constant need of energy requires our world to have a primary source for energy, so is fracking appropriate for this primary role? Deroy Murdock wrote an opinionated article supporting the argument that fracking actually out-greens ‘green’ energy. Murdock blatantly states that water contamination†¦show more content†¦Well when a surface cracks, inevitably that crack will expand and spread out through the surface it lies on. Lets go back to 2010 when BP promised and swore that their gas company was completely safe t owards the environment. During this year, we saw that the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico occurred. This oil spill was devastating and tragic to the people who lived around the Gulf of Mexico, the wildlife and all the resources that got contaminated. BP was able to cap that crack after billions of dollars being spent on property and environment damage but no amount of money can bring back all the wildlife that was harmed and killed. Unfortunately, there is no actual way to cap this crack they created; once its been done, its permanent. These cracks will only furthermore increase in the ocean floor just like how the cracks in the windshield inevitably grow. But instead of bumps in the road making the cracks grow, seismic activity will be making it grow. An article written by Jill Lawless, Cuadrilla Resources Halts Fracking In U.K. Fearing Possible Earthquake Connection basically proves to the world that fracking is damaging and effecting the way people live, resulting in earthquakes. So back to the analogy, if a person drives with a windshield filled with cracks that constantly are growing, is it safe to drive for that person? Is it safe for everyone around that driver? The comparison is thatShow MoreRelatedFracking : The Gas Boom1352 Words   |  6 PagesHydraulic fracturing, which is more commonly known as â€Å"fracking†, is a term that many people may have heard about, but actually have very little knowledge on. Fracking is a topic that is highly controversial between people who work in the industry, scientists, and environmental professionals. Fracking has been around for a long time, but it’s only been in the past thirty years that it’s really taken off in what is known as the shale gas boom. As our sources of energy dwindle down it becomes importantRead MoreFracking : Its Impact On The United States931 Words   |  4 Pagesoil drilling technique known as fracking. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Swot Analysis Of Sprouts Farmers Market - 2052 Words

Sprouts Farmer’s Market, an organic and natural grocery retailer, came about through the creation of the Boney family fruit stand in Arizona that became a market called Henry’s that expanded into Texas. Originally, they sold it to a group called Wild Oats, but Wild Oats eventually was sold to Whole Foods. The Boney family continued to develop a new natural market that was the first version of Sprouts and after they expanded into Texas and California, they combined with Henry’s again and a group called Sunflower under the umbrella of Apollo Management to become Sprouts as it is today and has been available for public trading since 2013. As of today, Sprouts has over 275 stores, launched their mobile couponing venture last year†¦show more content†¦They also pursue this goal in their commitment to be a â€Å"responsible retailing†; they use various systems that are more energy efficient, donate food to avoid waste, commit to involvement in their com munities by having various events such as the Vitamin Angels and the Thanksgiving Grab ‘n Give meals to benefit the homeless and poor, and negotiate deals with local farms for their produce and dairy products. A point of interest in talking about their following their mission is to note that at least a portion of their upper level leadership are Christian university graduates (Sprouts,3), meaning they may believe in carrying out principles of stewardship and this may lead to the effectiveness of their programs. The Strengths and Weaknesses of Sprouts intertwine together in the form of their unique market and customer services. They offer a wide range of natural or organic products, special health and beauty items that are difficult to find anywhere else and high-quality produce. They typically run sells of the latter that brings their price well below normal market prices offered anywhere else and have quarterly sales on their frozen and vitamins, the items that usually cost t he highest, that put them at a more affordable level to those who normally cannot purcahse for them. They are intentional in their pursuit to not just to maintain their quality of products; Sprouts managers carefully selectShow MoreRelatedWhole Foods Market Maintains Its Early Mover Advantage2155 Words   |  9 PagesKey Rivals Whole Foods Market maintains its early mover advantage against its most direct competitors. Their main rival is Sprouts Farmer’s Market. Sprouts was founded by the Boney family and opened their first store in 2012. Like Whole Foods, Sprouts growth is credited to acquisitions and new store development. Sprout focuses on selling fresh organic produce, and natural products, but the firm prides themselves on offering products at a reasonable price. Sprouts foods sales was 3.3 billon comparedRead MoreEssay about Whole Foods Market16819 Words   |  68 PagesSection 3: Analysis and Evaluation of Whole Foods 12 3.1 The External Environment 12 3.2 Industry Analysis 12 3.3 Internal Analysis 14 3.3.1 Resource-Based View 14 3.3.2 Value Chain Analysis 15 3.4 SWOT Analysis 16 3.5 Mission Statement Analysis 16 3.6 Generic Strategy Analysis 17 3.7 Long-Term Objectives Analysis 19 3.8 Grand Strategy Analysis 20 3.9 Short-Term Objectives Analysis 21 3.10 Functional Tactics Analysis 22 3.11 Strategy Execution Analysis 23

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Managements And Organizational Performance - Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss about theManagements And Organizational Performance. Answer: Organizational behavior is an essential element, which probably has potentials in it to control the employees performance and the ethical behaviors of employees. Organization behavior is necessary to maintain a directive control of employees within the organization (Moore et al. 2012). However, there are some scholars who have different beliefs on the subject matter. They are different in their opinions not because they oppose organizational behavior. They are rather in support that few essential elements of organizational behavior keep on changing with the different generations that exist at the workplace. O'Reilly and Tushman (2013) have rather argued on the chosen factors of organizational behavior by stating a fact that firms require new competitive capabilities to compete in a rapidly changing business environment. Job design has been felt as an essential element by some scholars. Job design is a core function of the human resource management, which mainly imparts the job contents. Nevertheless, job designing has been given importance by some scholars as this is one of the ways that attract the applicants towards the recruitment process. According to some scholars, job designs always produce positive results (Wood et al. 2012). They have supported this view by citing the few factors that catches the attention of employees. Those few factors include but are not limited to such as the job description while also stating the basic salary package, job designation and the roles responsibilities (Omar et al. 2012). In the opinion of Jong et al. (2015), there are ample numbers of variables of job design. There is indeed the need to have a robust design that captures the requirement of a wide range of employees. Job design is perhaps an effective strategy of the human resource as believed by many schol ars; however, there is a need to have a robust plan behind the designs. Working conditions is perhaps one of the biggest factors that employees look for. There can be found a wide range of differences in the thoughts of employees. The differences travel along the different generations that exist at the workplace. Millennials are often believed to have different set of characteristics than its predecessors such as the Baby Boomers and the Boomers. However, there are also contradicting thoughts on the differences. There are some who do not believe in the generational differences. According to them, technology and advancement is not only confined to the Millennials (Solnet, Kralj and Kandampully 2012). Working conditions on the other hand is a very complex task in the hand of human resource management. They might find difficulties in designing the most suitable work conditions for the employees. This is so because it is difficult to predict the workplace nature that best suits the requirement of the entire workforce. Kehoe and Wright (2013) have supported the importance of working conditions at the workplace. The authors have supported their views by highlighting the importance of high performing human resource practices. According to the authors, the HRM of a company plays a very significant role in inspiring the works of employees. If they have adequate plans in place to offer these to the employees, the HRM of that company will probably be able to drive many employees for performance. The designing also includes the workplace conditions as well. Workplace condition includes but is not limited to such as the workplace environment, working hours, physical aspects, legal rights of workers and responsibilities. Such factors matter a most to a large section of employees possibly to the Millennials. Working conditions according to few scholars do also produce negative impacts. One such fact is supported by Shin, Taylor and Seo (2012) when the authors have argued the very fact that working condition matters a lot in organization. According to the authors, there can be instances that prove that working condition motivates the performances of employees. However, the authors have rather believed in a fact that working condition does not matter in all the cases. This is for such fact the organizational change process fails in larger occasions. The failure of change management process expresses the challenges that exist with the working condition. It is indeed hard to predict the most suitable working condition for the organization in concern. Working condition do matters in significant cases; however, this is challenging as well to identify the best working condition at the workplace. Setting of goals is another very important factor, which is believed to incept motivation into employees. This depends on the analysis, which is usually done by the managers. The analysis can be done based on the teams capability and performance. On the other hand, this can also be done on an individual employee. This can be different with the different organizations as it depends on the utilization of the available data by the human resource managers. The designing may consist of an analysis done on the past records, which will give important data on the individual or the entire team. Those data helps the human resource managers in designing the specific goals for the months to come (Kotlar and De Massis 2013). According to Kotlar and De Massis (2013), goal settings in organization is a very important task that helps an organization or in specific the human resource management to relate an employee with the organizational actions and policies. However, they have also believed that in case of family business, goal setting becomes a complex topic. This is so because in the family business, family may or may not use its power to dictate the things accordingly. A homogenous following of policies is very seldom indeed with the family owned business. The authors have further emphasized on the challenges, which is there with the setting of goals. Organizational goals may change over time due to various reasons such as to produce a competitive answer in the market. However, the need to set the goals for an individual is indeed challenging that grows in its severity when it is related to a family owned business. Motivation and rewards is perhaps one of the biggest points of debates for the different scholars across the globe. To many scholars rewards are the better ways to motivate an employee (Jehanzeb, Rasheed and Rasheed 2012). According to the authors, rewards and motivation produce resilient effect on the organizational performance. They have found relationships in between the rewards, motivation and job satisfaction. They have found the relationship very important for attaining the set organizational goals. They have gone a step further by claiming that every single organization is benefitted from motivated employees. Moreover, they have found rewards as a good way to motivate the employees. Aguinis, Joo and Gottfredson (2013) have rather argued the fact given by (Jehanzeb, Rasheed and Rasheed 2012) and said that there are few limitations of rewards as well. They have supported their views that rewards can motivate employees but it never incepts the skills, which is more important than just motivated employee. They have explained this further by saying that motivation is not the end of requirements that an organization look from them. It is rather a very small part of the entire organizational behavior. The authors have put their emphasis on the relevant skills and the abilities to learn the new innovative things. The development of skills has been found as the dominating character in employees that drives the organization towards the success. According to Cho and Perry (2012), there are two kinds of motivation that exist at the workplace. The two kinds of motivations are the intrinsic motivation and the extrinsic motivation. The authors have rather supported the importance of intrinsic motivation in driving the employee for the success. The authors have stated that intrinsic motivation is something that gets produced within an employee due to irrespective of the reasons. This is indeed difficult to identify the exact factors that drive the development of intrinsic motivation into employees. There are some employees who are motivated from the acknowledging comments of their managers. However, there are some as well who do not give any importance to such motivation. Despite the entire limitations, intrinsic motivation is still believed as a powerful weapon to drive employees for their set goals. However, the authors have themselves found few limitations in their research work. They have felt that relying on the secondary re sources prevented them from conducting a precise specification of measures. To conclude, managers can act smart to utilize the different knowledge that have been provided in this essay. Managers should need to design the job in accordance to the established successful practices. Managers in this regard can follow the footsteps of entrepreneurs who were successful in designing the jobs. The human resource mangers do also need to provide a working condition that is most suitable to its employees. This can be done through the suggestions of employees. Suggestions can be attained through different ways such as by circulating an official mail requiring the feedbacks on the working condition. Setting of goals is also important; however, the human resource managers need to understand its workforce. There cannot be unified goals for every employee. They rather need a different goal set assigned to them. Human resource managers should not put their utter focus on the rewards and motivation. They should rather look for ways, which is necessary to produce the intrinsic motivation in employees. References Aguinis, H., Joo, H. and Gottfredson, R.K., 2013. What monetary rewards can and cannot do: How to show employees the money.Business Horizons,56(2), pp.241-249. Cho, Y.J. and Perry, J.L., 2012. Intrinsic motivation and employee attitudes: Role of managerial trustworthiness, goal directedness, and extrinsic reward expectancy.Review of Public Personnel Administration,32(4), pp.382-406. Jehanzeb, K., Rasheed, M.F. and Rasheed, A., 2012. Impact of rewards and motivation on job satisfaction in banking sector of Saudi Arabia.International Journal of Business and Social Science,3(21). Jong, J.P., Parker, S.K., Wennekers, S. and Wu, C.H., 2015. Entrepreneurial behavior in organizations: does job design matter?.Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,39(4), pp.981-995. Kehoe, R.R. and Wright, P.M., 2013. The impact of high-performance human resource practices on employees attitudes and behaviors.Journal of management,39(2), pp.366-391. Kotlar, J. and De Massis, A., 2013. Goal setting in family firms: Goal diversity, social interactions, and collective commitment to family?centered goals.Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,37(6), pp.1263-1288. Moore, C., Detert, J.R., Klebe Trevio, L., Baker, V.L. and Mayer, D.M., 2012. Why employees do bad things: Moral disengagement and unethical organizational behavior.Personnel Psychology,65(1), pp.1-48. Omar, N.H., Manaf, A.A., Mohd, R.H., Kassim, A.C. and Aziz, K.A., 2012. Graduates employability skills based on current job demand through electronic advertisement.Asian Social Science,8(9), p.103. O'Reilly, C.A. and Tushman, M.L., 2013. Organizational ambidexterity: Past, present, and future.The Academy of Management Perspectives,27(4), pp.324-338. Shin, J., Taylor, M.S. and Seo, M.G., 2012. Resources for change: The relationships of organizational inducements and psychological resilience to employees' attitudes and behaviors toward organizational change.Academy of Management Journal,55(3), pp.727-748. Solnet, D., Kralj, A. and Kandampully, J., 2012. Generation Y employees: An examination of work attitude differences.Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship,17(3), p.36. Wood, S., Van Veldhoven, M., Croon, M. and de Menezes, L.M., 2012. Enriched job design, high involvement management and organizational performance: The mediating roles of job satisfaction and well-being.Human relations,65(4), pp.419-445.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Locke Berkeley And Hume Essay Research Paper free essay sample

Locke Berkeley And Hume Essay, Research Paper Enlightenment began with an alone assurance in human ground. The new scientific discipline # 8217 ; s success in doing clear the natural universe through Locke, Berkeley, and Hume affected the attempts of doctrine in two ways. The first is by turn uping the footing of human cognition in the human head and its brush with the physical universe. Second is by directing doctrine # 8217 ; s attending to an analysis of the head that was capable of such cognitive success. John Locke set the tone for enlightenment by confirming the foundational rule of empiricist philosophy: There is nil in the mind that was non antecedently in the senses. Locke could non accept the Cartesian positivist belief in unconditioned thoughts. Harmonizing to Locke, all cognition of the universe must finally rest on adult male # 8217 ; s centripetal experience. The head arrives at sound decisions through contemplation after esthesis. In other words the head combines and compounds centripetal feelings or thoughts into more complex constructs constructing it # 8217 ; s conceptual apprehension. We will write a custom essay sample on Locke Berkeley And Hume Essay Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There was incredulity in the empiricist place chiefly from the positivist orientation. Locke recognized there was no warrant that all human thoughts of things truly resembled the external objects they were suppose to stand for. He besides realized he could non cut down all complex thoughts, such as substance, to esthesiss. He did cognize there were three factors in the procedure of human cognition: the head, the physical object, and the perceptual experience or thought in the head that represents that object. Locke, nevertheless, attempted a partial solution to such jobs. He did this by doing the differentiation between primary and secondary qualities. Primary qualities produce thoughts that are merely effects of the topic # 8217 ; s perceptual setup. With concentrating on the Primary qualities it is thought that scientific discipline can addition dependable cognition of the material universe. Locke fought off incredulity with the statement that in the terminal both types of qualities must be regarded as experiences of the head. Lockes Doctrine of Representation was hence assailable. Harmonizing to Berkley # 8217 ; s analysis all human experience is phenomenal, limited to visual aspects in the head. One # 8217 ; s perceptual experience of nature is one # 8217 ; s mental experience of nature, doing all sense informations objects for the head and non representations of stuff substances. In consequence while Locke had reduced all mental contents to an ultimate footing in esthesis, Berkeley now farther reduced all sense informations to mental contents. The differentiation, by Locke, between qualities that belong to the head and qualities that belong to count could non be sustained. Berkeley sought to get the better of the modern-day inclination toward unbelieving Materialism which he felt originate without merely cause with modern scientific discipline. The empiricist right aims that all cognition remainders on experience. In the terminal, nevertheless, Berkeley pointed out that experience is nil more than experience. All representations, mentally, of supposed substances, materially, are as a concluding consequence thoughts in the head presuming that the being of a material universe external to the head as an indefensible premise. The thought is that to be does non intend to be a material substance ; instead to be means to be perceived by a head. Through this Berkeley held that the single head does non subjectively find its experience of the universe. The ground that different persons continually percieve a similar universe and that a dependable order inheres in that universe is that the universe and its order depend on a head that transcends single heads and is universal ( God # 8217 ; s head ) . The cosmopolitan head produces centripetal thoughts in single heads harmonizing to certain regularities such as the Torahs of nature. Berkeley strived to continue the empiricist orientation and work out John lockes representation jobs, while besides continuing a religious foundation for homo experience. Just as Berkeley followed Locke, so did David Hume of Berkeley. Hume drove the empiricist epistemic review to its concluding extreme by utilizing Berkeley # 8217 ; s insight merely turning it in a way more characteristic of the modern head. Bing an empiricist who grounded all human cognition in sense experience, Hume agreed with Lockes general thought, and excessively with Berkeley # 8217 ; s unfavorable judgment of Lockes theory of repre sentation, but disagreed with Berkeley’s idealist solution. Behind Hume # 8217 ; s analysis is this idea: Human experience was so of the phenomenal merely, of sense feelings, but there was no manner to determine what was beyond the sense feelings, religious or otherwise. To get down his analysis, Hume distinguished between centripetal feelings and thoughts. Centripetal feelings being the footing of any cognition coming with a force of animation and thoughts being weak transcripts of those feelings. The inquiry is so asked, What causes the centripetal feeling? Hume answered None. If the head analyzes it # 8217 ; s experience without prepossession, it must acknowledge that in fact all its supposed cognition is based on a uninterrupted helter-skelter fusillade of discrete esthesiss, and that on these esthesiss the head imposes an order of its ain. The head can # 8217 ; t truly cognize what causes the esthesiss because it neer experiences cause as a esthesis. What the head does experience is simple feelings, through an association of thoughts the head assumes a causal relation that truly has no footing in a centripetal feeling. Man can non presume to cognize what exists beyond the feelings in his head that his cognition is based on. Part of Hume # 8217 ; s purpose was to confute the metaphysical claims of philosophical rationalism and its deductive logic. Harmonizing to Hume, two sorts of propositions are possible. One position is based strictly on esthesis while the other strictly on mind. Propositions based on esthesis are ever with affairs of concrete fact that can besides be contingent. It is raining outside is a proposition based on esthesis because it is concrete in that it is in fact raining out and contingent in the fact that it could be different outside like cheery, but it is non. In contrast to that a proposition based on intellect concerns dealingss between constructs that are ever necessary like all squares have four equal sides. But the truths of pure ground are necessary merely because they exist in a ego contained system with no mandatary mention to the external universe. Merely logical definition makes them true by doing expressed what is inexplicit in their ain footings, and these can claim no necessary relation to the nature of things. So, the lone truths of which pure ground is capable are excess. Truth can non be asserted by ground entirely for the ultimate nature of things. For Hume, metaphysics was merely an elevated signifier of mythology, of no relevancy to the existent universe. A more distressing effect of Hume # 8217 ; s analysis was its undermining of empirical scientific discipline itself. The head # 8217 ; s logical advancement from many specifics to a cosmopolitan certainty could neer be perfectly legitimated. Just because event B has ever been seen to follow event A in the yesteryear, that does non intend it will ever make so in the hereafter. Any credence of that jurisprudence is merely an deep-rooted psychological persuasion, non a logical certainty. The causal necessity that is evident in phenomena is the necessity merely of strong belief subjectively, of human imaginativeness controlled by its regular association of thoughts. It has no nonsubjective footing. The regularity of events can be perceived, nevertheless, there necessity can non. The consequence is nil more than a subjective feeling brought on by the experience of evident regularity. Science is possible, but of the phenomenal merely, determined by human psychological science. With Hume, the maturating empiricist emphasis on sense perceptual experience was brought to its ultimate extreme, in which merely the fusillade and pandemonium of those perceptual experiences exist, and any order imposed on those perceptual experiences was arbitrary, human, and without nonsubjective foundation. For Hume all human cognition had to be regarded as sentiment and he held that thoughts were weak transcripts of centripetal feelings alternatively of frailty # 8211 ; versa. Not merely was the human head less than perfect, it could neer claim entree to the universe # 8217 ; s order, which could non be said to be apart from the head. Locke had retained a certain religion in the capacity of the human head to hold on, nevertheless amiss, the general lineations of an external universe by agencies of uniting operations. With Berkeley, there had been no necessary stuff footing for experience, though the head had retained a certain independent religious power derived from God # 8217 ; s head, and the universe experienced by the head derived its order from the same beginning.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Wells And Darwin Essays - Herbert Spencer, H. G. Wells,

Wells And Darwin Herbert George Wells was born in Bromley, Kent, a suburb of London, to a lower-middle-class family. He attended London University and the Royal College of Science where he studied zoology. One of his professors instilled in him a belief in social as well as biological evolution which Wells later cited as the important and influential aspect of his education. This is how it all began. Maybe without this professor Wells wouldn't be the famous author he is today. Most of Wells novels are science fiction and have a great deal of some kind of human society theme, or Darwinism in mind. It is a theme that is seen in his most famous science fiction writings. H.G. Wells seems to convey a sense of Darwinism and change in the future of society in his major works. Wells has been called the father and Shakespeare of science fiction. He is best known today for his great work in science fiction novels and short stories. He depicted stories of chemical warfare, world wars, alien visitors and even atomic weapons in a time that most authors, or even people for that matter, were not thinking of the like. His stories opened a door for future science fiction writers who followed the trend that Wells wrote about. His most popular science fiction works include The Time Machine, The Invisible Man, The War of the Worlds, and The Island of Doctor Moreau. His first novel, The Time Machine, was an immediate success. By the time the First World War had begun his style of writing and novels had made him one of the most controversial and best-selling authors in his time. In the story The Time Machine, Wells expresses his creativity with images of beauty, ugliness and great details. In this novel Wells explores what it would be like to travel in this magnificent and beautiful machine. "The criterion of the prophecy in this case is influenced by the theory of "natural selection." (Beresford, 424) He uses Darwin's theory in the novel and relates it to the men living in the novel. The men are no longer struggling to survive, they have all adapted and there is no termination of the weak. It had practically ceased. His fascination with society in biological terms is also mentioned, "Shows Wells horizon of sociobiological regression leading to cosmic extinction, simplified from Darwinism." (Beresford, 424) He took the idea from Darwin but instead of making it "survival of the fittest", the weak have already died off and only the fittest are left, which leads to the extinction. His fascination with Darwinism was one that had not been thought by many in that time, because there were questions of ethics and religion. "From The Time Machine on, it was generally recognized that no writer had so completely or so perceptively taken Darwin to heart." (McConnell, 442) He wasn't the first man to realize and acknowledge the importance of Darwin's theory for the future of civilization, but he is said to be the first to assimilate that theory into his stories. Concerning society with the future, The Time Machine is said to be seen as "a prophecy of the effects of rampant industrialization on that class conflict that was already, in the nineteenth, century a social powder keg." (McConnell, 438) Wells always touched upon the subject of society, the destruction of it, and how it would become in the future due to this destruction and chaos. His view on society was that the classes would clash and ultimately "they might become two races, mutually uncomprehending and murderously divided," (Suvin, 435) His predictions of future societies were all much alike, war-torn class problems, much like what is seen now a days. The narrator of The Time Machine says of the Time Traveler that he "saw in the growing pile of civilization only a foolish heaping that must inevitably fall back upon and destroy its makers in the end." (McConnell, 439) This is another reference to society's survival of the fittest, as he depicts civilization tearing at each other, and in the end, doing away with their creator. Not all of his predictions and social clashes were horrid and horrendous with violence. In some of his foretelling of what society would do, he recommended things that could be done to avoid such things and maybe in the end reach some kind of peace or togetherness. "That the human race, thanks to its inherited prejudices and superstitions and its innate pigheadedness, is an endangered species; and that mankind must learn-soon-to establish a

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Hammurabis Code essays

Hammurabi's Code essays The Code of Hammurabi was issued and imposed (Polushin 15) by an able and ambitious king(Polushin 15), Hammurabi, who ruled the city-states of Mesopotamia. The code of Hammurabi was originally made of 282 rules/articles however several are known to have been erased by later rulers and conquerors. The knowledge of King Hammurabi's code has survived because of its discovery in 1901 by a French archeologist. The nature of codes go back to the dawn of history and involve such subject matter as property, social status, punishments, and domestic issues. It reveals a glimpse into how these ancient people governed themselves and how their society was socially stratified. After reading the text of the Code of Hammurabi supplied by Polushin I am led to seek my own analysis to the societys attitude towards slaves in situations of intent and neglect. In certain cases the slave is seen as a very important element to the society and then in contrast later observed as expendable. In the Code of Hammurabi articles fifteen through twenty refer specifically to runaway slaves and consequential treatment of surrounding them in several cases. These articles supply rulings for cases that led to the conclusion that slaves were considered valuable property and if this property is taken away from the owner by any means would result in death. For example article fifteen states that If a man has induced either a male or female slave from a house of a patrician, or plebian, to leave the city, he shall be put to death. It is apparent that even during the times of Hammurabi brave Harriet Tubmans were not welcomed. What is even more radical is one could face the death sentence if it becomes known that there is a runaway slave hiding in your house. This can be noted in article sixteen: If a man has induced either a male or female slave form the house of a patricians, or plebeians house, and ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Managerial Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Managerial Theories - Essay Example This paper covers the inherent conflict between providing costly incentives to motivate managers to perform well, against the overall profit motive of the firm. In analysing this conundrum, the author will call on the different kinds of motivational tools available to the Managing Director and the Board of Directors of a firm, and how those tools are regarded both by the managers whose incentives are affected, and the shareholders of the firm, who are presumably trying to maximise their gain (Griffith 2000).  As income taxes have risen over the past historical era, the outright impact of salary or bonus increases has been moderated somewhat. The incremental tax on income in the UK and the US is at about 50%, hen all local and national income taxes are taken into account. Thus the standard supply and demand relationship demonstrates a curve, as shown below. Since taxes climb with income, the curve’s change in slope is more pronounced:  As compared to the turn of the last ce ntury, when income taxes were less than 10%, the total impact of increases in wages has therefore moderated. The second influence on this moderation has been the increase in the value of leisure time (Kokoski 1987). As the value of leisure hours has increased, the amount which needs to be paid to offset the value of leisure time has also increased, all else being equal.  Group incentives can take the form of income increases (salary and bonus) or non-monetary rewards, such as additional vacation days. From a microeconomics standpoint, there is no difference between group pay incentives and individual pay incentives. There are psychological differences which can be substantial, however, depending on the type of performance being rewarded.   An extreme example of the point above is an individual whose personal rewards far exceed those of the group.