Saturday, January 4, 2020

A Memo to the President from a Military Base - 979 Words

This is a memo is in response the recent events at the San Onofre nuclear facility and the military’s capabilities in the region and potential responses to the problem. In the tri state area California, Nevada, Arizona. We have 29 military bases with several others in the surrounding states (Colorado, New Mexico and Oregon). This disaster is, depending on the wind, a serious threat to at least: southern California, central Arizona and northern Mexico. However we have reason to believe that this could affect southern Nevada and central California as well. It is for tis reason that our first and foremost priority should be evacuation and containment of contamination. For this task all four military branches and the coast guard are equipped and willing to asset in these two tasks; however some of the military bases in the region must be evacuated first so that they may return to help in the evacuation. This evacuation of military personal would also allow for military bases to b e used as evacuation centers for a more smooth, coordinated and centralized evacuation. Mr. President, the military is at your complete disposal and is prepared to do what is necessary to help in the evacuation process. While we (the military) have 29 bases in the region several of our largest bases are in close proximity to the blast and could be/ are in habitable and inoperable. Camp/ Marine Air station Pendleton are both in such a close proximity that it is in operable, inhabitable, and for allShow MoreRelatedA Day Of Infamy Or Deceit?3950 Words   |  16 PagesMay 11, 2015 The morning of December 7, 1941 was a day like another for the majority of Americans, but that day changed the course of American history with the surprise attacks on the United States naval base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. How much of a surprise was that attack, however? 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